Untitled Document
Welcome, how may we help you?
Most useful articles
► How do I edit my profile?
► How do I delete my profile?
► How do I change my search criteria?
► How do I report a concern?
Your profile
How do I edit my profile?
How do I delete my profile?
How do I change my age, height or profile name?
Why aren't my profile updates showing?
Your photos
How do I add photos to my profile?
Which criteria must my photos meet?
Your personal details
How secure are my personal details?
How long are my personal data stored?
Your settings
How do I change my search criteria?
How do I change email address?
How do I change my password?
Your matches
How do I get matched with other members?
How do I delete match?
How do I report a concern?
How can I contact a match?
How can I increase my chances of being contacted?